Passive Integrated Transponders
(PIT) Tag Stocking for Research Analysis
Our chapter has worked hand and hand with the MN DNR to introduce, monitor and improve quality musky populations in area lakes. The Chapter has helped with the Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT) tagging of muskies in the Sauk Rapids Chain of Lakes. Since 2013, the Chapter has provided monetary contributions and volunteer hours for this project. As of fall 2020, over 3000 muskies have been stocked with the PIT transponder implemented in their abdomen for data analysis. The fish population can be closely monitored and research is obtained with this data capture system. One of the goals of the project is for the most accurate population assessment which will help determine further stocking needs of the lake and help to improve the quality of the musky fishery. This project will help preserve the musky fishery for future generations to enjoy!
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