2019 Big Brothers-Big Sisters Fishing Event
On Saturday, May 4th, 2019, we hosted the 17th annual Big Brother and Big Sisters Outing. The weather for the day was sunny and near 70 degrees. The weather was the nicest we have had in recent years when hosting the event. The event was attended by 23 youth and their adult sponsors. Each kid received a rod, reel and tackle box full of lures that were all donated by our St Cloud Chapter of Muskies Inc. The smiles were all around as kids learned how to cast and rig rods for the first time. Unfortunately, the catching of the fish was the part that was limited. Only 4 fish were caught in the short 2 hours of fishing. The fish caught were 2 catfish up to 24”, a 13” sucker and a 7” shiner.
This year had the highest participation with kids and one of the lowest participation a fish! We took the opportunity to spend more time on education and talked about fish identification and handling, finding fishing patterns, and intro to musky fishing. Ken Smith brought his Crestliner boat and had lures, rods and musky size landing net for kids to appreciate. The cook out of hot dogs, chips and cookies was a hit for the hungry young anglers. All of the participants were very appreciative of the time and talents that were shared with them from our numerous volunteers from the chapter.
Thanks to all of the volunteers that came out for the morning. Volunteers included Ken and Noreen Schmitt, Nick Kuefler, Mike Ruff, Ken Smith, Mark and Dar Rothstein, and Eric Kohn.
This year had the highest participation with kids and one of the lowest participation a fish! We took the opportunity to spend more time on education and talked about fish identification and handling, finding fishing patterns, and intro to musky fishing. Ken Smith brought his Crestliner boat and had lures, rods and musky size landing net for kids to appreciate. The cook out of hot dogs, chips and cookies was a hit for the hungry young anglers. All of the participants were very appreciative of the time and talents that were shared with them from our numerous volunteers from the chapter.
Thanks to all of the volunteers that came out for the morning. Volunteers included Ken and Noreen Schmitt, Nick Kuefler, Mike Ruff, Ken Smith, Mark and Dar Rothstein, and Eric Kohn.